The GUS Daily Digest Wednesday, 31 May 1995 Volume 22 : Number 029 Today's Topics: Re: MIDI control in Dos -- how? Re: Will GUS Max & SB 2.0 co-exist? Re: Win95+GUS=WORKS!! Midifier Own patches under Win & VoiceAssist & Problems with Mitsumi FX001D The G-List Announcement! OS/2, Win95 support for GUS, game support for GUS Resonant filters anyone? Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #28 GUS and WIN95 _DO_ work together Re: Megaem and QEMM GUS driver for Windows NT Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #28 What *programs* are on UltraSound Experience? Gus + AWE32 Re: What *programs* are on UltraSound Experience? Interwave? Creative Labs (not a support message for their cards) Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dewi Daniels Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 08:59:33 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: MIDI control in Dos -- how? > When I load Windows, I can hear line in audio. In DOS, how do I enable > the line in to work? I thought that I had the command set in my autoexec. ultrinit -l -o > Also, what does MIDIFIER do? I can't figure it out? Will it let me use > my MIDI keyboard to play GUS patches? yes ------------------------------ From: Dewi Daniels Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 09:03:39 +0100 (BST) Subject: Re: Will GUS Max & SB 2.0 co-exist? > Can I get a GUS & an old 8-bit Soundblaster 2.0 board to > co-exist in the same machine? Sometimes I'd like to use > SBOS for digital sound effects, and sometimes I'd like > to use the old Soundblaster board. Is this possible? You can't run SBOS if you have a real SB installed. MegaEm works fine. ------------------------------ From: "VISX80::GRECNER" Date: 30 May 95 10:57:00 MET Subject: Re: Win95+GUS=WORKS!! >old config and *cowabunga* MIDI and DIGI works perfectly in win95.. all, even >the MODUS modplayer.. and ALL dos games with GUS works as well.. :) :) I've >tried playing MIDI files, samples, playing win-games with midi and digi and it >all werks great.. :-) Suddenly I like win95... hehe It worked for me as well, but anytime I was trying to use the MIDI in port, it hung. There must be some IRQ problem that I can't fix. Did you try the MIDI port as well ? Martin Grecner ------------------------------ From: Sam Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 10:59:24 +0100 (BST) Subject: Midifier > Also, what does MIDIFIER do? I can't figure it out? Will it let me use > my MIDI keyboard to play GUS patches? Yes. It's quite easy to use. Check the readme that came with it. As for enabling line in, try ultrinit -? to give you a list of flags to use. It might be ultrinit -l to enable line in. Sam [] <[ Web pagE ]> *NEW* Sysex Manager ! [] [] For Software Forge program information and downloads [] Including [] [] NETRIS 1.1 best Tetris game <[ For Win 3.1 ]> Sysex Manager 1.0S [] ------------------------------ From: Date: 30 May 95 12:36:56 +0100 Subject: Own patches under Win & VoiceAssist & Problems with Mitsumi FX001D Here are my Q U E S T I O N S : 1. How can I use my own-creates patches under Windows. I don't want to edit the CFG and INI files, just easy and quickly play&compose with my patches. (It's quite difficult under DOS too). I've tried to compose under Windows (with the factory-patches) and then with an MS-DOS prompt play it with PLAYMIDI. But under Windows I cannot use the DOS GUS programs. 2. The program 'Voice-Assist' for SB needs any special extra of the SB card? I've tried to run it with GUS and I've got just the "You need a Soundblaster to run..." message. I think the program needs only the digital audio IN/OUT driver to work. Can I somehow crack it to work with my GUS? Or is this program too shit to care about it? 3. I have found two programs to read the audio info from a simple audio CD. I've got a Mitsumi FX001D cd-rom, and the it couldn't read the data from the audio cd. After the error messages I read the readme file and it wrote that from this Mitsumi cdrom it cannot read the data. Has someone also problems with this cdrom. Or has someone a util that can read the mitsumi cdrom's audio data? (The two programs I've tried were CDGRAB and CDINFO or something like that - I don't remember it). If you answer me please send the letter on my own part too. Not just here. THANX ------------------------------ From: "Jurassic Mark" Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 08:11:51 +400 Subject: The G-List Announcement! XXXXXXX The XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX LIST XXXXXXX ANNOUNCEMENT: 05-29-95 GUS day everyone! This is the old Jurassic Mark back behind the wheel. Yes, as of today, the G-List is officially mine. Back in May 1994, I finished my CS degree and lost my Internet account that I had at the University of Moncton. I didn't want this list to die because it became quite a useful tool for many GUSsers. So I searched for a new G-List daddy and found Nick Tucker. He took the G-List under his wing up until now and I'd like to cheer the guy for that. A big thanks from all of us, Nick! You deserve that trip to Florida. ;-) I came back on the net last January and had a lot of catching up to do. But I'm glad to be back. Kinda missed the old net. :) So anyways, here I am now with my 1 1/2 year old G-List. I know that many GUSsers kinda feel left out by the industry. Many games today come out with native GUS support, but still too many don't. Let's not drop the weapons, friends. It is good to fight to have native support in games, damn good! But let's also build a survival kit for those games who do not recognize the GUS as a major soundcard with unique features that blow everything else outta the water. Let's team-up to keep the G-List up-to-date with the latest information. Yeah, team work from everyone. Feel free to share your information on how you made a particular game to work with the GUS or if that game just doesn't want to listen to reason. On another note now, the G-List is not available by finger yet. The company I work for just bought an Internet server and as soon as its up, you will be able to finger at an address to receive the latest version. I'm also planning a G-List WWW site and maybe a mailing-list. That mailing list could be used for GUS compatibility discussions. Until then, you can request the G-List to my address ( and if you put "REQUEST G-LIST" in the subject line, you will automatically receive the G-List. But since my account is SLIP, I'm not 24/24 hours on the net so your request will only be processed during my next connection. I will have a permanent connection soon so this is only temporary. If you're reading this on Usenet, there should be another post that has the latest G-List that I got from Nick. I don't think it is quite up-to-date so here's your chance to improve it. Jurassic Mark (Marc Y. Paulin) Where: IRC: J-Mark Subject: REQUEST G-LIST WARPing & GUSsing "The 486 is RISC based!!!!" - someone I know... ------------------------------ From: Okan Tuncer Date: Tue, 30 May 95 11:27:00 PDT Subject: OS/2, Win95 support for GUS, game support for GUS Hi GUSers and not GUSers, Watching all the flame war going on, I felt it's become necessary to express my humble opinion. For people complaining about lack of GUS support in games: Let's face it -like it or not- Sound Blaster is "the" standard. And it is possible to have the cheapest SB and GUS side by side. It's very funny to see people throwing away their GUS and buying an AWE. Buy a SB basic, and you get the same game support at a cheapest price and you keep your good-old GUS. If your GUS is too old, then buy an ACE. ACE+SB is still cheaper and better than AWE. This even holds true for SB16. For people with an old GUS: Keep in mind that this technology is changing very rapidly. I bought a 486SX/33 last year and my only option to upgrade to DX2/66 (nobody knows what it is going to be the Pentium overdrive). Same goes for sound boards, sooner or later you'll have to give up and buy a new one (whether GUS or not). You are buying games at about $40 and forget them after playing a month, you are buying a sound board at about $160 (almost four games) and want to keep it until you are 70. This is non-sense non-fair. For OS/2 and Win95 stuff: No comments for OS/2 because I am not interested in it. But for Win95, let's repeat it altogether IT IS B-E-T-A. Let's wait until it's on the road, until believing that it is good, then flame Gravis if they are not supporting it still. Regards to everyone. Okan Tuncer, Turkiye ------------------------------ From: George Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 08:50:36 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Resonant filters anyone? Might as well join the 'what special effect does this do' bandwagon. :) Anyone know what resonant filters are and how it would help improve the sound quality of a wave table sound card. I keep on hearing things that a hot sound card should have filters... Anyone knows if the InterWave chip has this capability? - -George ------------------------------ From: George Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 08:59:50 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #28 >From: Loren Kling (that's me) >Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 00:52:59 -0700 (PDT) >Subject: MIDI control in Dos -- how? >When I load Windows, I can hear line in audio. In DOS, how do I enable >the line in to work? I thought that I had the command set in my autoexec. >When I load Windows, I can hear line in audio. In DOS, how do I enable >the line in to work? I thought that I had the command set in my autoexec. I do believe it's ultrinit -l >Also, does anybody have a guitar replacement patch? The current >distortion guitar (or "hard" guitar) sound really stinks. Try Dustin's latest guitar patches, E_E-GTRS. It has a pretty good distorted guitar, much different from the other ones I've heard, especially when you try playing the really low ranged notes. - -George ------------------------------ From: Doug Whittier Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 13:10:48 -0700 (PDT) Subject: GUS and WIN95 _DO_ work together Hi, all. I was leery about installing Win95b due to lack of gus drivers. Silly me. Here's what I did: - -Installed Win311 with not too many excess bells+whistles (like hard disk drivers and lowlevel stuff like that) - -Installed gus 3.56, then 4.11 on top of that. - -Set up Gus stuff in Win311 and tested it. - -Installed Win95 and let it do its thing. - -tried the GUS software, and Bango! Wav works, and Midi files play fine. I dunno, folks: am I missing something here?? Seems to me that GUS support is already in there! What is it that is _not_ being supported here...? Comments? Ta, Doug Whittier ------------------------------ From: "Jason I. Goldovitz" Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 17:39:10 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Megaem and QEMM > I've been having trouble getting Ultima Underworld working > with a GUS Max. It locks up with sbos, maxsbos, megaem, > and ultramid. Any suggestions? I am using MSDOS 6.20, > and have tried both QEMM 5.02 & 386MAX 6.02. Hmmm... well, since Quarterdeck no longer supports version 5.x OR 6.x of QEMM, I'd suggest getting a newer one... it's only about $40, and it's compatible with _everything_. On the other hand, you could just use EMM386 and HIMEM. Your call. But, that version of QEMM is probably your problem. The newest is 7.52... - Jason ( ------------------------------ From: "Larry Larson" Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 14:58:25 +0000 Subject: GUS driver for Windows NT I'm starting out on my journey to writing a GUS driver for Windows NT and I'm curious about the intrest level for such a beast. I am well on my way and would probably be more motivated to complete this project if I thought that the interest level was high. Also, if you have any tips or gotchas that you've come across in writing device drivers for NT I'll take all the help I can get. Beta testers welcome. Email me directly at rather than littering the pages of this digest. ------------------------------ From: Hal Black Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 19:31:01 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #28 Okay, someone wanted to know about some filters... quick primer. your signal is x(t) in the time domain, and take the fourier transform, and you then have X(f) in the frequency domain. A high pass filter looks like this: H(f) = { 0 f < c { 1 f > c where c is some frequency you pick. 1^ H(f) ___________ | | | graphically, it looks like this: 0| ______________ c -->f Cool? So, you multiply your signal X(f) by H(f) and the result is what you get. So, what does this sound like? Well, do you have one of those stereos where you can turn those graphic equalizer-like things? Say, push that one knob on the left down all the way, and all of a sudden your bass is really quiet? Well, that is what you are doing here, as well. Except you are turning it all the way off, ideally. Then come the problems. Since it is kinda tough to deal with things in the frequency domain (you have to have a LOT of time, ideally like infinitely lots... 8') So you have to deal with things in the time domain. As it happens, it is impossible to make an ideal high pass filter in the time domain, because it is non-causal (i.e. you need stuff from the future to do the processing) Maybe they could pull it on star trek voyager, but we can't do it. There has been a lot of study of how to make a good approximation of this filter. There are these filters called chebyshev filters that are pretty sharp. Take a signals class sometime. 400 level EE course.. You will get into some of this stuff. There's a lot of calculus in it though, so watch out.. 8') I can't remember the formula for any filters in the time domain, sorry. Any good one is pretty complex, though... I suggest getting CoolEdit for Windoze, it is pretty nice, and should have it if you want it. Okay, notch filter. I am pretty sure this is a nickname for the band-reject filter. First, we do the low pass. Take the high pass filter up there, and flip it about at the c point, so fc H(f) = 0. That is a low pass.. Lets all the bass through and shuts up the treble. For a notch filter, move the low pass c to the left , so you have like this... ^ 1 _______ _______ | | | 0 _____ See the notch? Anyway... It has been a whole semester, so if I am wrong, someone correct me.. So this notch filter would remove the middle tones.. But, thank goodnes, I am going back to school soon, so any replies, send them to ------------------------------ From: "Peter C. Chien Jr." Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 16:55:57 -0700 (PDT) Subject: What *programs* are on UltraSound Experience? Hello, can anyone quickly tell me what programs are on the UltraSound Experience CD. I want to upgrade my old PowerChords (that came with disk set 2.06), but I'm not sure if the Debut version is on the CD or not. If not, I'll just upgrade via Howling Dog. BTW, Vince, when it asks if I wish to reply to all recipients, I put No so that my post won't be in the digest twice. But by putting No, are people getting the digest in pieces missing out then? If so, I'm sure you can fix it so the mailing list subscribers also get the individual posts, but it isn't doubly posted in the digest form. Thanks. So, in short, please tell us how to respond to in the Pine questions. -Peter P.S. I have read a lot of mixed answers about 48 khz vs. 44.1 khz sampling, so I am wondering if anyone has actually done a blindfold test to tell the difference between the two rates. My guess though is that no one will be able to tell blindfolded, simply because of physiological limitations. I don't have a Max though to verify. ------------------------------ From: gcumming@YKnet.YK.CA (Garth Cumming) Date: Tue, 30 May 95 18:29:15 -0700 Subject: Gus + AWE32 I'm just woundering if it is possible to run a GUS with a AWE, I really don't like purchasing games if they do not have GUS support, but i'll never part with my GUS -Garth Cumming ------------------------------ From: -Vince- Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 22:02:10 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: What *programs* are on UltraSound Experience? On Tue, 30 May 1995, Peter C. Chien Jr. wrote: > BTW, Vince, when it asks if I wish to reply to all recipients, I put No > so that my post won't be in the digest twice. But by putting No, are > people getting the digest in pieces missing out then? If so, I'm sure > you can fix it so the mailing list subscribers also get the individual > posts, but it isn't doubly posted in the digest form. Thanks. So, > in short, please tell us how to respond to in the Pine questions. Actually, you're supposed to put Yes since it goes to the Reply-To: address and your post is only supposed to show up only once. If you are replying to single posts on the gus-general mailing list then it will go to the original poster too as well as anyone else that joined into discussion so it doesn't go to the list twice at all.. So in Pine, you should answer Yes to reply to all receipients =) Cheers, - -Vince- UCLA Physics/Electrical Engineering - UC Berkeley Fall '95 GUS Mailing Lists Admin - SysAdmin bigbang.HIP.Berkeley.EDU Running FreeBSD UN*X(tm), Real UN*X(tm) for Free! ------------------------------ From: "" Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 19:53:33 -0600 (MDT) Subject: Interwave? I everybody! I just joined the digest so I'm alittle behind on what's going on. I've been hearing a lot about something called an Inerwave? What is it? It sounds pretty cool. Adam "Whoyou" email: ....from way up north in Canada. Where we all live in Igloos and wear parkas to bed....... ALL HAIL TO THE DRUM GOD VINNIE COLAIUTA!!! ------------------------------ From: (Adrian Vesnaver) Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 15:34:33 +1000 Subject: Creative Labs (not a support message for their cards) I recently found some information on Cl's WWW page about the new program which they have setup. CL claims that it will thoroughly test any software in developement given to them to see if it's compatible with the SB range. This includes using different a I/O, IRQ, DMA, etc. and different machine confiurations. This is exactly the kind of support that Gravis needs to be undertaking in order to ensure that the GUS will become automatically supported with all software releases. This would eliminate the all too many messages that appear here about game X not working or conflicting with the GUS. BTW, what ever happened to the 3D sound capabilities of the GUS which Gravis promised would bring us a new dimension in gaming? Adrian - -- ,-_|\ Adrian Vesnaver MAIL: / \ Adelaide, SA \_,-*_/ Australia PGP Key: finger me or see my home page v Check out my home page at ------------------------------ End of The GUS Daily Digest V22 #29 *********************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS Digest Archives: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).